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All workshops, products, sessions and programs stems from Charlotte Egemar Kaaber, CVR nr. 21885541, c/o Charlotte Egemar Kaaber, Bjergbygade 13, 4200 Slagelse, Denmark.


You may contact us here:

Workshops, courses and webinars are held at the given time and date. If something changes the client will get a notice at least 24 hours before start. If a workshop, course or webinar is cancelled by Charlotte Egemar Kaaber the remaining clients on the participants list will get a full refund.


Terms policy regarding workshop, courses and retreats

Purchases of workshops and courses are binding and there will be no refund of money. The client can sell his/her spot to another person.

Purchases af spiritual retreats in Denmark or abroad is covered by its on terms policy related to the individuel retreat.

Terms policy regarding mentor sessions.

Purchases of mentoring/traume release sessions are binding. You may change your time sloth up to 24 hours before. There are no refunds for mentoring sessions. You are responsible for a functioning phone connection.

Terms policy regarding online products
Online-products will be delivered digitally via email. This will often happen within minutes but sometimes how ever it may take up to five work days. There is a 14 days return policy for products from day of purchase. If you regret your purchase please contact us here: and you will get a full refund.


Terms of rights
Charlotte Egemar Kaaber own all rights to all material printed and digital. With purchase you get the right to use the material for your own personal benefit only. All material is confidential and may not be given to a third party.

All products and material may not be used for any other purpose than intended and in no commercial use without a written permit.


Terms of responsibility
Every form of liability claims that Charlotte Egemar Kaaber may resume in relation to any sessions, workshops, courses, webinars, programs written and digital material is limited to direct damage and loss.


Charlotte Egemar Kaaber is under no circumstance liable for any indirect damage or loss. The Liability Disclaimer for indirect damage and loss applies no matter what and Charlotte Egemar Kaaber’s liability for direct damage and loss will amount to 50 % of the price of the product or service that the liability may concern.


Choice Of Law and venue
Inconsistencies between Charlotte Egemar Kaaber and a client and any dispute shall be subject to binding arbitration in Copenhagen according to Danish law at The Copenhagen City Court.


© 2014 HighTouch v/Charlotte Egemar Kaaber. All rights. Charlotte Egemar Kaaber, Bjergbygade 13, 4200 Slagelse, Denmark CVR-nr. 21885541

© 2023 by Success Consulting. Proudly created with

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